Liverpool West Public School

Byala, Ngarala, Tia Tila

Telephone02 8784 3500

From the Department of Education

Everyday Maths Hub

The Everyday Maths Hub is for parents and carers to assist you in supporting your children's learning at home.


Additional Early Stage 1 Online Resources

Storyline Online - A children's literacy website, including storytelling videos

ABC Education - Educational games, videos and resources 

GoNoodle - Movement videos 




Additional Stage 2 Resources

Storyline Online - A children's literacy website, including storytelling videos

Scratch - Children practise coding skills (Year 3)

Typing Training - Lessons to learn, practise and improve typing speed and accuracy

Khan Academy - Children practise coding skills (Year 4)

ABC Education - Educational games, videos and resources

Additional Stage 1 Online Resources

Storyline Online - A children's literacy website, including storytelling videos

Scratchjr - Children can create their own stories and games

Typing Training - Lessons to learn, practise and improve typing speed and accuracy

ABC Education - Educational games, videos and resources 


Additional Stage 3 Online Resources

GoNoodle - Movement and mindfulness videos 

Khan Academy - Children practise coding skills

ABC Splash - Online activities

Pobble 365 - Use a picture to write an imaginative story

BTN - A fun, accessible way for students to learn about what's happening in the world around them

Sea Museum - Game-based learningabout convict transport

Find one-week programs of learning activities organised by stage. The activities are designed to be appropriate for students learning from home. Each stage has an online and offline version of the program which include links to free interactive resources.

Early Stage 1 Online

Early Stage 1 Offline

Stage 1 Online

Stage 1 Offline

Stage 2 Online

Stage 2 Offline

Stage 3 Online

Stage 3 Offline



Special Religious Education (SRE)/Special Education in Ethics (SEE) is not permitted in Greater Sydney, including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour.

There are three portal entry points to lesson content:

Approved providers for All Faiths SREExternal link (Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Bahai, Hindu)

Approved for Christian based faith SREExternal link

Primary Ethics for SEEExternal link