Liverpool West Public School

Byala, Ngarala, Tia Tila

Telephone02 8784 3500

Free Educational Websites

These free learning websites are available for parents to use with their children.


ABCya - Learning games and Apps for kids

Academic Skill Builders - Games to improve learning in maths, geography, typing and spelling

Art for Kids Hub - Art lessons

Backpack Sciences - Science activities that children can do

Boardmaker - Activities for little kids or children with special needs

Book Creator - Children write their own stories and add drawings to make a book

BrainPop - Learning resources for arts and music, English, science and technology

Breakout EDU - Learning games that on subjects like science and maths

Century - Learning on maths, science and reading skills

Circletime - For children up to the age of 6 to watch videos, including sing-alongs, beginner yoga and story time

CK-12 Foundation - Children of all ages to practise maths, science and reading skills

Coolmath Games - Maths games and puzzles

Edu-Together - Children from Year 3 and up can access learning videos on science, history and maths

Epic! - Children up to Year 6  can access learning books, videos and quizzes

Fizzics Education - Easy science experiments using items found at home

Good2Learn - Learning videos on maths or English

HippoCampus - Learning videos on maths, science, history and English

Hit the Button - Games for maths revision

iCompute - Technology resources

Izzit - Learning activities on music, maths and world history

Kids Discover Online - Science, history and geography resources

KidzType - Typing games for kids to improve their typing speed & accuracy

Kinedu - Learning videos for children up to the age of 4

Minecraft: Education Edition - This game includes problem-solving, collaboration (working with others) and creativity

MysteryScience - A range of activities to practise science skills

NASA Kids' Club - Learning games to learn about NASA's space missions

National Geographic Kids - Learning videos, games and activities about saving animals

Osmo - Creative arts activities for children to be creative

PBS LearningMedia - Covers maths, science, history, geography, creative arts, English, Health

PebbleGo - For children K-3 to support Literacy

Raddish Kids - Ideas for cooking in the kitchen with your child to practise maths skills

Scholastic - Learning resources to keep kids reading, thinking and growing

Scratch - Children can create stories and games

Seneca - Children can practise their maths skills

Sight Reading Factory - For those children interested in music

Story Starters Adventure - Writing activities for children

Storyline Online - Children can listen to celebrities read popular children's books

Touchable Earth App - Videos to teach children about the world

TypingClub - Games and activities to practise typing skills

Vroom App - Brain-building activities for children under the age of 6

The Weather Channel - Science-based videos explaining things such as rainbows, jet streams and how tides work

2Simple Purple Mash - Guided reading activities

For Preschool

Activities to help with speech development

Website Links

ABCya - Online interactive games for children.

Cosmic Yoga for Kids - Children can get active by following yoga moves in a fun and interactive way.

Raising Children - Short videos for parents and children with ideas for what you can do with your children to continue their learning from home.

Starfall - Practice the alphabet and join in with fun songs.

Storyline Online - Books for children to listen to online.